Thursday, December 12, 2013

Winter Essentials | Best, Holidays

I figured the most appropriate way to jump start this holiday beauty series would be to talk about all of the things I keep near and dear to my heart during the winter months. It may not be a mile-long list, but these items are definitely essential to my winter survival. And yes, it's that serious.

  • Body butter is the number one thing I'm always itching to break out once it starts getting colder and probably the only thing I look forward to about the temperature dropping. Find a body butter with a great scent and you've got yourself a powerhouse. A deep moisturizing cream that delivers an all day fragrance? Where do I sign up? My favorite:
  • Vitamin E oil is honestly something I use year-round but it definitely comes in handy during the winter. Mixing in oil with your favorite lotion is great for combating dry winter skin, but vitamin E oil is exceptionally effective. In addition to adding moisture, vitamin E oil has the added benefit of reducing the appearance of scars and stretch marks, and evens complexion. My favorite:
  • Lip balm...I know, duh. But in all honesty, I've seen more cracked and peeling lips than ever this season. That has to be unhealthy. Our lips have less layers than our skin so if it's easy for our skin to dry out during the winter, imagine what our lips must be going through. Also, keeping your lips soft makes for a more even application of your favorite lip stick. My favorite:
  • Travel size lotion is, again, another 'duh' product that people seem to neglect. It's also one of the easiest and least expensive. I don't know about you, but for me just stepping outside can cause my knuckles to turn white...which is always so attractive against dark skin. Plus, if you're a smell-good junkie, choosing a mini lotion with a nice scent is a great way to add moisture and freshen up throughout the day. My favorite:
  • Dark lip color is so cliche and yet so necessary. My friends will tell you I've been on the hunt for a great dark berry lip. After about four weeks and three lipsticks later, I have finally found my match. I don't know what it is, but something the lower temperatures just makes a girl want to bring out her vampy side. There's nothing wrong with that! My favorite: in Black Cherry
What are some of the things you can't live without during the winter? I'd love to know. Share in the comments below or chat with me on Twitter

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